Zumba fitness teaches us to let go and enjoy the moment!

We are grateful for Zumba and the escape it provides us, but we more grateful for our supportive students who make it all worth while. Each and everyone of you should really strive to use the one hour Zumba class to let go of inhibitions,  cares,  worries, and stress and just let the music and movement overcome your body! It isn’t about looking cute when you dance,  trying to copy our movements exactly, or anyone else’s. It is about having one hour of you time, where you can be completely consumed by music and dance.  It is about forgetting  the hectic lives we lead!  Below is a paragraph describing the Zumba program from Z-life magazine that sums it up for us.
“Zumba class feels like an hour of living in the moment, and it is. In time, though, it becomes more than just an hour-long activity, it becomes a lifelong endeavor. The Zumba program is about expressing ourselves exactly as we are and loving every moment of what we do. Sure, there are steps to follow, shifts in rhythm, the warming up and the cooling down. But it teaches us and our students how to let go and enjoy. We let go in Zumba class and learn to let go in life. These are the moments when we feel most alive; and for these moments, we feel gratitude.”
We are grateful for all of you and then energy you give us in class!  If you haven’t come to one of our classes yet, here is a free coupon.

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How can excercising with a friend be helpful?


Exercising with a friend ‘helps to lose more weight’

Exercising with a friend is better than going to the gym alone because the competition helps people lose weight, according to a new study.

Dr. Larry Cheskin of Johns Hopkins Medicine answered:

Exercising with a friend comes with a side benefit: you’ll be more likely to do it. If not, you will be disappointing someone else by breaking the appointment. This is a form of accountability, and a good way to remember and carry through on your commitment to enhance your fitness and your health.

Also, exercising with a friend can provide distraction and good company for what might otherwise be a more boring task.  Depending on the relationship and relative level of exercise ability of you and your friend, there can also be the benefit of support, encouragement, and even a little healthy competition!

With that answer, why don’t you call a friend you haven’t seen for a long time and kick off your summer workout with Aimee and Darlene on Memorial Day at the Kick your Shoes off Zumba party at Studio 138?  If you haven’t been to the studio before, your first class is free.


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30 ways to strech your Fruit and Veggie Budget in 30 days

30 ways in 30 days to Stretch Your Fruit & Vegetable Budget 

Fitness is more than exercising.  Aimee and I love to see you in our Zumba class, but eating right is crucial to your overall health.  Here are some tips on how to stretch your food budget to eat healthier.


Calculate an appropriate Healthy Food Budget for your family, based on USDA’s Low- Cost Food Plan. This easy-to-use calculator, offered by Iowa State University Extension, helps to create a budget for what is a reasonable amount to spend to feed your family healthy meals. (www.extension.iastate. edu/foodsavings/fooddollar/).


Cook enough for several meals and freeze leftovers. Place enough food for 1-2 meals in each container.


Create a meal plan for the week that uses similar fruits and vegetables, prepared in different ways. Make the most out of the produce that you buy.


Buy fruits and vegetables in season at farmers’ markets or at your local grocery store.


Grow your own vegetables. Invest a little in seeds, and get a lot of vegetables in return. Try indoor pots or greenhouse growing for the cooler months. Visit http://www.cdc.gov/Features/GrowingVegetables/ for more information.


Mix it yourself. 100% juice from frozen concentrate is often less expensive per serving than pre-bottled juice.


Minimize waste, by buying only the amounts your family will eat.


Learn basic food math. Taking the time to make a food budget before grocery trips can make food buying decisions easier. Simple food math can help you decide if the watermelon or the bunch of grapes is a better buy.


Enjoy the comforts of home more often. Eating at restaurants can increase the amount you spend on food. Include fruits and vegetables in quick, simple meals that you prepare at home. Visit http://recipefinder.nal.usda.gov/ index.php?mode=pick_search&theme=2&cost_serving_num=&cost_recipe_ num=&submit=Search for more information.


Be creative! To get the most out of your purchase, enjoy your fruits and vegetables in different ways. For example, you can use fruits for dessert. Try baking apples or poaching pears with some cinnamon. Visit http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/dnparecipe/RecipeSearch.aspx and www. fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org/?page_id=10 for more information. 30 30 DaysWaysin


Homemade soup is a healthy and tasty way to use vegetables. Make a big batch and freeze leftovers in small lunch-size containers.


Look for sales and deals on fruits & vegetables at the grocery store or through coupons.


Cut your fruits and vegetables at home. Pre-cut produce can cost much more than whole fruits and vegetables.


Don’t shop hungry. Eat a healthy snack, such as an apple, before going to the grocery store so that you stick to your budget and avoid spending money set aside for fruit and vegetables on less healthy temptations.


Maximize your time and money. Cut coupons for foods, such as fruits and vegetables, only on your grocery list.


Canned fruits and vegetables will last a long time and can be a healthy addition to a variety of meals. Choose canned vegetables that have no added salt and fruit that is canned in 100% fruit juice.


Frozen fruit and vegetables store well in the freezer until you’re ready to add them to a meal.


Pick your own at local farms. Late summer and early fall is a great time to pick your own fruits and vegetables. This can be a fun and less expensive way to buy in bulk and freeze, can, or dry for later.


Dried fruit lasts for a long time, but can be expensive. Buy in bulk with friends and share the cost.


Store-brands can be a great budget choice for many forms of fruits and vegetables.


WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) and Senior Farmers Market coupons can be used by WIC participants and older adults to purchase locally-grown, delicious fruits and vegetables.


When trying new fruits and vegetables, buy in small amounts. Taste test before you change your grocery list.


Keep it simple. Buy dried beans, peas, and lentils in their raw or uncooked form instead of the processed and packaged versions which cost more.


Avoid buying single servings. Purchasing many small packages of produce is often more expensive than buying in larger amounts.


Shop at discount grocery stores for good deals on fruits and vegetables, especially canned items.


Shop at large grocery stores instead of small convenience stores when possible. There is more choice and the produce is often less expensive at larger stores.


To make many fresh fruits and vegetables last longer, store them in the refrigerator or freezer soon after getting home from your shopping trip. Many cookbooks offer specific freezing instructions.


Clearly label your foods in the freezer and refrigerator with the contents and date to stay within a safe time frame.


Get creative with your leftover fruits and vegetables. Make salsa from your tomatoes and smoothies from your fruits! Visit http://www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov to learn how.


Buy frozen fruits and vegetables in large bags to stretch your budget (e.g., green beans and blueberries). Avoid those with added sugar, salt, or sauce.

CS205448-A National Fruits & Veggies—More Matters® Month • September

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How effective is Zumba in weight-loss and toning you ask?

A big part of choosing a weight loss regiment is choosing something you are going to continue doing. Zumba appeals to a lot of people because it has a dance aspect, which makes it fun for them.

As to how effective it is, that really depends on the length and intensity of your workout. There is a lot of movement to it, and if you are actually working hard (and sweating), then you are burning off calories. Sometimes as much as 600 plus calories a class. That means, assuming you watch your diet as well, you will lose weight and achieve muscle tone pretty quickly.

I would suggest that you do a combination of activities (helps mix it up, too).

  • Zumba – A few times a week. This is your cardio/weight loss exercise.
  • Weight/Strength Training – Do this once or twice a week. Doing this actually helps you burn MORE calories when you’re doing your cardio portion because your muscles require more energy. It’s been shown time and time again that individuals who supplement cardio with weight training maintain a healthier physique and reduced weight.
  • Eat Correctly – Do NOT starve yourself or go on any fad diet. Eat properly. Healthy proteins (chicken, fish, etc). Vegetables. Fruits. Don’t come home from a class and gorge on ice cream or you will see no weight loss (and probably the opposite). However, it is good to reward yourself at times (at least a couple times a week) with a small treat.  www.choosemyplate.gov is a great resource.

Keep those three things in mind, and make sure you’re working out at the proper intensity level, and you will see the changes you are looking for.

Please join Aimee and Darlene at Studio 138 for a free class.

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What is the best thing to eat before excercising?


What is the best thing to eat before exercising for energy and endurance?

Fueling exercise requires quality carbohydrates, lean proteinheart-healthy fats, and fluids. Your muscles rely on carbohydrate foods like breads, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables for a quick energy source. Protein is needed to build and maintain muscles and for healthy blood cells. Blood cells deliver nutrients and oxygen to working muscles.

Foods provide the gas to the body’s engine, and fluids provide the water to your body’s radiator. Without these crucial fuels and fluids, your body will have a hard time performing at its best.

Is there an ideal pre-sport or exercise meal?

The ideal pre-sport meal has five characteristics:

1.     Low fat

2.     Moderate in carbohydrates and protein

3.     Low fiber

4.     Contains fluids

5.     Made up of familiar, well-tolerated foods.

The pre-game meal is not the time to try a new food.  A grilled chicken sandwich or a slice of cheese pizza might fit the pre-game meal description, but stay clear of the fried food (including french fries), greasy burgers, and soft drinks.

ImageWhy is it so important to drink plenty of liquids during exercise?

Not only does being well hydrated improve your performance, it can save your life. Water acts as your body’s cooling system; without sufficient water during exercise your body temperature can reach dangerously high levels.

The best way to stay hydrated is to drink plenty of fluids with meals and drink about two cups (16 ounces) of water two hours before exercise. Monitor your hydration status through two simple measures:

  • Weigh yourself before and after exercise and replace lost weight with 2 cups of fluids for each pound lost.
  • Check the color of your urine. When you’re hydrated, your urine will be a light straw color.
Come join Aimee and Darlene in Zumba class at the Mel Korum YMCA or Studio 138.

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